Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients acheive the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

Carolyn did an amazing job guiding us thru buying our new house! she answered all of our questions right away!! We were not stressed at all since she made this process so easy!!

- Jo
Howell, MI | January 21, 2017

Carolyn is an excellent loan officer who explained everything to me that I didn't understand! I would highly recommend her! ?

- Colleen
Howell, MI | March 08, 2017

Most people understand that getting a mortgage or going through a refinance is stressful. Carolyn provided me with amazing service, patience and care. She always took the time to explain the process to me when I was confused or nervous. did I mention how patient she was ?!?! Carolyn made sure I had the best interest rate and absolutely looked out for me. Her customer service is exceptional. I would recommend doing business with her to anyone and everyone I know! ?

- Lindsay
Howell, MI | April 24, 2017

Carolyn will walk you through the entire process. She was always available to answer any questions I had.

- Melissa
Howell, MI | July 18, 2017

Very easy process and on time! This was not my first time getting a mortgage but it was the best experience.

- Mike
Howell, MI | October 09, 2017

We were first time home buyers with no clue what we were doing. Carolyn literally walked us through every step.

- Jamie and Savannah
Howell, MI | December 12, 2017

Carolyn was absolutely wonderful. She made our purchasing experience very easy and worry free. She helped us with every step explaining every detail if we needed to. We definitely recommend using this company for home buyers!!! IWe would give them 50 stars if  we could. 

- Heidi Floreno
Whitmore Lake, MI | March 17, 2019

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